The list of treatments


The essence of acupuncture is the regulation of human’s vital energy (QI).

According to the Ancient East philosophy, health problems are the result of vital energy circulation’s interruption, which passes through certain meridians (channels) of the body.

Mechanical irritation of certain biologically active points on the body leads to the normal functional condition of internal organs and promotes a strong release of endorphins into the blood stream, which are the substances with an ability to improve the mood and health, and the most important –to relieve pain.

Therefore, the variety of pain syndromes are successfully treated with needles, in particular widespread chronic back pains, joint pains, migraine. Stimulation of several points helps to reduce the pain in 15 minutes.

Sometimes two or three sessions are enough to recover working capacity.

Acupuncture methods also help to cure many ailments, such as headaches, bad sleep, increased soreness, chronic fatigue syndrome.

The use of needles enhances the immunity and accumulates body’s protective functions, as well as may solve many skin and allergy problems.

It is often used to fight obesity and various addictions, as well as for the general body rejuvenation. It helps to get rid of wrinkles.

Plastic surgeons recommend taking a course of acupuncture after the face plastics, because needles help to relieve tissue swelling (edema), improve the blood circulation and accelerate the healing. It also helps to cure the facial nerve’s neuritis.

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